Black and white trip
Of course, I could evoke the smell of developer, still in my memory, when, as a teenager, I immersed my negatives in a plastic tank. Of course, I could tell you about my first “beautiful image” in black and white, the first in my collection. Making people believe that the passion for black and white is a thing of the past, showing Cartier-Bresson, Doisneau, Ronis, Capa and the others again and again. It would make nostalgia resonate. Today there are photographers who continue to explore the nuances of black and white, by choice. At a time when it is enough to activate an option on your device to convert a color image into black and white, photographers choose to confront the rigor required by the play of light and shadow. On one side, white light, the sum of all colors and on the other, black, absence of all color. No, black and white is not a return of the past to the present. It is emotion. The one about which my friend Paul Almasy said “don’t worry about color if it is not important in your image”.