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Thierry Bouët : Writers


Thierry Bouët sends us his Writers portfolio accompanied by this text.

To be a writer, you must know the meaning of words that comes from reading. Paradoxically, we must therefore consume before manufacturing. Writers work from home, behind a desk full of quirks. The hourly ritual is often found at times when no one is moving.

Imagination does not fall from the sky, it works like a muscle. The obligation tof creating starting from a sheet of paper stimulates the cerebral arteries. Being able to live from your dreams is a form of happiness recognizable by the sound made when you leave. Lack of inspiration is mentally dreadful.

In France, a country of writers and convincing literary prizes, the verb is acclaimed. Writers are curiosities that the press likes to seize. They are making headlines in the newspapers. To find them, you have to go through magazines. They choose the authors, I execute. In other words, none of them appear in the photographic collection by affinity. They come from the newspaper circuit of which I am the commissioner. It is pleasant to meet writers whose texts we know without telling them. This allows them to be deciphered discreetly.

If I had been a novelist, I would have had the happiness of escaping the enslavement of the places in which my encounters take place. So I would have written from a Polynesian cabin on a beach with air conditioning and unlimited service.

Thierry Bouët

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