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A world of pure contemplation by Anatoly Cherkasov


Russian photographer Anatoly Cherkasov, who took his first photographs in the early 1950s, uses platinotype technique to convey the beauty of pristine nature. He currently has an exhibition entitled In Private at Rosphoto in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The series is not devoted to any particular country or region; one can see Russian landscapes side by side with exotic views of Nepal and Japan. Works by Cherkasov are not like bland postcard views, on the contrary, they are distinguished by a meaningful study of the form. Following the steps of such Russian realist painters as Isaac Levitan, Ilya Shishkin, and Arkhip Kuindzhi, Anatoly Cherkasov rejects stylization; in his photographs, one encounters “the world of pure contemplation” evoking thoughts about the brevity of human life, opposed to nature timelessness .



Anatoly Cherkasov, Private
16 February — 8 April 2018
Bol’shaya Morskaya Ulitsa, 35
Saint-Peterburg, Russia, 190000

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