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The Thirst for the Unspeakable by Raùl Cañibano


He does not appear in the Google pantheon of Cuban photographers, perhaps because of his young age which makes him flirt with his sixties. However, he is unquestionably one of the great symbols of Cuban photography. An inimitable style, a unique approach and impeccable photographic quality for this self-taught or almost.

Raùl Cañibano‘s photographic works are clearly distinguished by three elements that are rarely dissociated. The fulgurance of the eye that detects, anticipates and triggers the click at the right moment. The insane framings which restore compositions whose originality are challenging, then catching and that finally forces us to penetrate into the fraction of time seized. The balance of the surfaces with the perfect dosages of light which restore the masses of atmosphere while preserving all the details essential to the story.

Like all great creators, Raul is often on the verge of disaster; but, without ever crossing the border which transforms a masterpiece into a disastrous error. There is no secret, all the structural bases, of substance and form, of an image are present in each of his photographs.

Many young and less young aspirants to the title of photographer should draw inspiration from these returns to the fundamentals essential to all innovative inspirations.

Cuban photography, with its photographic sincerity, somewhat imposed by the rest of its environment, offers us, once again, sensual works full of emotion. They deserve that you find some time to see excellent photographs and visit another universe.

Thierry Maindrault


Aux Docks d’Arles
44 rue du docteur Fanton
13200 ARLES
from 03 until August, 2022
Tusday to Sunday, 11am to 01pm and 03pm to 07pm

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