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The Silver Eye : Jacques Revon : The ecological alternative developer with chicory


After carrying out development tests in cocoa powder, with astonishing results, I said to myself that we had to continue investigating in this area. So I decided this time to test chicory sold like cocoa powder.
First observation, chicory dissolves a little more quickly than cocoa.
For these tests, I started by developing a 6X6 format film.


Manufacture of alternative developer with chicory.
700 ml of demineralized water to develop a 6X6 format, (120) and later for the development of a 135 or 24X36 format, I used between 300 and 400 ml of demineralized water depending on the type of tank used.

Dissolution of products in the order below.
50 grams of chicory
15 ml of 5% potassium bisulphite used in oenology to protect against too rapid oxidation.
50 grams of sodium carbonate
11 grams of vitamin C
8 grams of iodized salt
3 drops of photoflo


First try.
Development of a Rollei 400 ISO brand 6X6 film in Sand-Dev for 60 minutes at 21°.6
(photos 16,17,18).

Second try.
Development of a Rollei 400 ISO brand 6X6 film, in Stand-Dev for 60 minutes. at 22°. (photos 9, 10 and 11).

Third try.
Development of a Rollei 100 ISO brand 6X6 film, in the same developer used 24 hours later for a second pass test; still in Stand-Dev 60 minutes at 21°4. I added 10 ml of bisulfite of potash against oxidation from the second use of the developer (Photo 12, 15).

Fourth try.
I wanted to develop a 24X36 format film, here Foma 400 ISO brand. For this, I therefore used a new developer, this time with 400 ml of distilled water, I kept the same proportions of products for manufacturing. Stand-Dev development: 60 minutes at 22°, 3.

When I develop in Stand-Dev, therefore with a long processing time, I slightly increase the quantity of iodized salt in order to limit the background haze. This is an observation observed throughout my various tests. I remind you that iodized salt is a brake here. Its role is to control the development process, in order to obtain the best results. It’s an anti-veil. (photos 13 and 14).

Fifth try.
During my various tests, I wanted to also take some portraits in order to discover the rendering of an alternative development to chicory.

In natural lighting and outdoors, I appreciated the final modeling obtained in this developer by the Foma 400 ISO film. I had chosen a development temperature of 22°, a development time of 34 minutes, with stirring of my tank by inversion, 10 seconds every minute.

The shots were taken with a Canon F1 camera equipped with a focal length of 85 mm, speed 1/250 and 1/125 from f 8 to f 11. (photos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Last try this time in reporting.
Reportage shooting (exterior and interior) 24X36 format, Leica M2 camera, Agfa Scala 200 ISO film (expired). Development at 22° / duration 35 min. (photos 6,7,8).


In my next article, I will offer you a summary of my research, in the form of a photographic choice representative of my different tests carried out during this approach to alternative ecological developers.

Jacques Revon
Honorary journalist, author, photographer.

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