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The Questionnaire : Victor Demarchelier by Carole Schmitz


Victor Demarchelier : Aestheticism & Light

It is certain, his name is not unknown to you, obviously Victor, is none other than the youngest son of Patrick Demarchelier, one of the greatest French fashion photographer.

If his parents never put pressure on him regarding his future, Victor (the only one of the siblings to have followed in his father’s footsteps) began by studying art and economics at Vassar College in New York before joining his father in his studio and learning with him the art and subtlety of photography. An artistic passage between a father and his son from which emerges the same sensitivity and elegance in the images proposed.

It is nevertheless thanks to his interest in art photography, that Victor ventured into fashion and portrait photography. His work was soon recognized for its beautiful lighting, the delicacy of its staging and its timeless rendering.

For a few years now, he has been working on his own, first exhibiting his personal work in various New York galleries before collaborating with the most prestigious magazines such as Vogue, GQ or Harper’s Bazaar and realizing advertising campaigns for major luxury brands such as Ralph Lauren, Dior, D&G and many more.

Talent to follow…



Instagram : victordemarchelier



Your first photographic trigger ?

Victor Demarchelier : Polaroids of the family.


The man of images who inspires you?

Victor Demarchelier : Irving Penn, Robert Mapplethorpe, Bruce Weber, Peter Lindbergh…


The image you would have liked to make? 

Victor Demarchelier : “Picasso” portrait by Irving Penn.


The one that moved you the most ?

Victor Demarchelier : The Americans: bus shot by Robert Frank.


And the one that made you angry?

Victor Demarchelier : “Tank man” by Jeff Widener.

© AP Photo/Jeff Widener


The quality necessary to be a good photographer?

Victor Demarchelier : Life.


The secret of the perfect image, if it exists?

Victor Demarchelier : Imperfections.


The camera of your beginnings?

Victor Demarchelier : Pentax 67.


The one you use today?

Victor Demarchelier : Canon 1dx Mark 3.


Your favorite drug ?

Victor Demarchelier : Coca Cola.


Your greatest quality ?

Victor Demarchelier : Taste.


An image to illustrate a new banknote?

Victor Demarchelier : A picture of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


The job you would not have liked to do?

Victor Demarchelier : Banker.


Your biggest extravagance as a photographer?

Victor Demarchelier : YSL beauty pop up photo booth in London.


Your biggest regret ?

Victor Demarchelier : I don’t have any.


Instagram, Tik Tok or snapchat?

Victor Demarchelier: Instagram.


Color or B&W?

Victor Demarchelier: Both.


Daylight or artificial light?

Victor Demarchelier: Daylight!


If God existed would you ask him to pose for you, or would you opt for a selfie with him?

Victor Demarchelier: Neither.


The image that represents for you the current state of the world?

Victor Demarchelier : Deforestation.




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