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The Other Hundred at East Wing, Curated by Stefen Chow


A new exhibition of a unique photography opens today in Dubai – “The Other Hundred”. Created as a counterpoint to popular media’s ‘rich lists’, such as the Forbes 100, this initiative was created to bring attention to stories of people from around the world who are not rich, but deserve to be honored.

“The Other Hundred” was launched in Hong Kong on 10 October 2013 and the exhibition features a selection of images from the 100 photo-stories drawn from 91 countries across 6 continents, the result of a worldwide collaboration between amateur and professional photographers who submitted more than 11,000 images from 158 countries.  The Other Hundred is dedicated to people whose lives deserve recognition, but would never make the cut of celebrated media ranked ‘rich lists’, yet they make important contributions to society at large.

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