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Le Musée de la Photo de Bièvres is looking for its patrons


Created 60 years ago by Jean and André Fage with the assistance of the Department of Essonne and the town of Bièvres, the Musée Français de la Photographie brings together an exceptional collection of materials, images and documentation which deserves to be presented in a larger museum space, to meet the expectations of both a French and international audience.

Yes, but currently, the Bièvres Photo Museum is closed to the public for works being carried out; the building is old.

For the moment the Department of Essonne is not making any commitment regarding its reopening to the public!

It is in this context that the Essonne Departmental Council has entrusted the associations which have supported the museum since its creation with the mission of seeking patrons for the construction of a new museum.

This collection, unique in France and one of the most beautiful in the world, allows – among other things – to retrace the evolution of photography since its invention 200 years ago, thanks to images and materials representative of practically all processes which succeeded one another until gelatin-silver bromide.

Whether from a historical, documentary, educational or cultural point of view, it has remarkable and mostly unexploited potential, because it lacks a real modern museum space.

It is for its construction that the Department of Essonne is seeking patrons, retaining for its part responsibility for the operation of the museum and its archives.

The association of the French Museum of Photography of Bièvres, which devotes its efforts to promoting the construction of a building worthy of the collection and the Association of Friends of the French Museum of Photography of Bièvres, which works to enrich the collection and the media coverage of the museum, combine their efforts to seek partners and patrons wishing to invest in this major cultural project.

A site allowing potential patrons to discover or deepen their knowledge of the collection, to learn the context of this partnership with the Department of Essonne and to contact the presidents of the associations is online:

Create an account or log in to read more and see all pictures.

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