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The Little Black Gallery / BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! : Lucas Murnaghan : Beneath The Surface


The Little Black Gallery presents its new online exhibition Beneath The Surface featuring the work of Canadian photographer Lucas Murnaghan, who died in 2021, on its BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! platform which promotes queer and gay fine art photography.

Ghislain Pascal, editor and curator of BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! and co-founder of The Little Black Gallery, said:
“Lucas joined BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! at the very beginning, in 2018, and the response to his work was phenomenal. Not only was Lucas a brilliant photographer but a much admired and loved orthopedic surgeon at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto (Canada).
The last couple of years have been very hard for his longtime partner Antonio Lennert. But Antonio is now ready to continue Lucas’s legacy as one of the great underwater photographers.
It is a great privilege for us to shine a light on Lucas’s work and continue this amazing legacy.”

Lucas’s work focused on surf and adventure photography, and he explored the underwater medium in his collection, Beneath The Surface, examining male vulnerability and confidence. Lucas had a unique approach of shooting his subjects from within the water without scuba equipment, creating images with a heightened level of intimacy.

The latest issue of the BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! The Magazine Volume 7 is dedicated to the memory of Lucas Murnaghan.

BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! is a programme by The Little Black Gallery started in 2018, curated by co-founder Ghislain Pascal, to promote queer and gay fine art photography. It now represents more than 74 photographers from 35 countries – including China, India, Iran, Poland, and Russia where gay rights are repressed and queer lives under constant threat. It includes exhibitions, books, the bi-annual magazine, zines, photography courses, portfolio reviews, and the main online art platform.


The exhibition Beneath The Surface by Lucas Murnaghan can be viewed online at BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! / 

The Little Black Gallery

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