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The Hulett Collection : Pieter Henket


The Hulett Collection announced representation of artist, Pieter Henket and the important and staggeringly beautiful series Congo Tales created deep in the Congolese rainforest working with the people of the Mbomo District that reside there, to tell the stories, myths, and fables passed down from generation to generation.

Pieter Henket is a Dutch photographer living and working in New York City known for a photographic style that takes inspiration from the 17th century Dutch Golden Age of painting. His notable work includes photographing Congolese acting out their mythologies in the Congo rainforest for the photo series and book Congo Tales, published by Random House in 2018. His portraits of the people who call the Congo rainforest home made world news, and was featured on the front page of the New York Times Arts section, the front page of the New York Times International Edition, and on PBS News Hour, National Public Radio, Public Radio International, BBC Radio, and dozens of other world media outlets.

Pieter’s photography has been exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York; the Museum de Fundatie in The Netherlands; and the Museum Barberini in Germany. His work has been included in numerous private and museum collections around the world, including the permanent collection of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Pieter’s Congo Tales photo series was also the main presentation of the Democratic Republic of The Congo at the 2021 World Expo in Dubai.


The Hulett Collection
1311 E. 15th St.
Tulsa, OK 74120

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