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The Front Room Gallery : Sean Hemmerle : Hoops


The Front Room Gallery presents “Hoops” by Sean Hemmerle. In “Hoops” Hemmerle takes a look at the cultural phenomenon and spread of the American sport of basketball to all corners of the globe. Hemmerle’s photographic portraits of basketball courts document sites in over 14 countries in North America, Central America, Asia, Europe and Africa.

In these times of global strife and turmoil, Hemmerle’s “Hoops” series emerges as a poignant testament to the enduring power of a simple sport that originated in Springfield, Massachusetts. Against the backdrop of worldwide challenges, the project illuminates the universal appeal of basketball, transcending the barriers of language, religion, and geopolitical divides. Hemmerle’s lens captures the essence of a game that speaks a universal language of camaraderie, resilience, and unity, offering a visual narrative that resonates with audiences irrespective of their cultural or linguistic background.

The exhibition “Hoops” features 24 photographs from the USA, The Netherlands, Iraq, Lebanon, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Palestine, Iceland, Mexico, Cyprus, France, China, Morocco and more. Some of the photos are of historically important locations to basketball, such as the backboard in Springfield, MA, the birthplace of basketball. In the photograph “Springfield College, Springfield, MA, USA 2023” a nondescript rectangular backboard stands stoically on a cracked, beat up blacktop surrounded by a wall of pine trees, their branches forming a natural enclosure that provides a stark contrast to the man-made structure. Other locations are in places not traditionally thought of to be havens for basketball.

Hemmerle’s first solo exhibition at Front Room was “Three Generations of High Explosives” in Brooklyn, in the spring of 2002. Since then Hemmerle has had multiple solo and group shows at Front Room including the popular “Secret Collaborators,”“When Lines are Drawn,” “Rust Belt,” and “Brutal Legacy.” Hemmerle has exhibited nationally and internationally. His work can be found in public and private collections including: the Museum of Modern Art, the International Center for Photography, Martin Margulies, Elton John, Houston Fine Arts Museum, Saatchi London, and Brooks Brothers. His images have been featured in major publications, including Metropolis, Time and The New York Times Magazine.


Sean Hemmerle : Hoops
February 17th-April 7th, 2024
Fri-Sun 12-5 & by appt
The Front Room Gallery
205 Warren Street
Hudson, NY

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