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Best of September – Sweden : The fifth edition of Landskrona Photo Festival


Landskrona decided  to become the city of photography  in Sweden, and further in Scandinavia.For this Photography must be everywhere in the city. Hence we are adorning public spaces for extensive periods, as much in partners’ shop windows as with structures set up in the parks, near buildings in which exhibitions are set up. It is both a proposal for the visitor to discover the city and a practical consideration about what public space, so often privatised by advertising or market challenges, can and must be.

We’ve chosen not to develop a theme, which might have led us to get locked in, but rather to put forward expressions we consider complementary or that address an issue. And finally, without it being a didactic desire, directions are appearing which show themselves to be utterly contemporary. Notions of identity, reality and of our relationship to nature are all there, across the programme.

By inviting a gallery with a unique identity to exhibit, by showing treasures from a collection, we want to really mark the fact that photography, images and their readers are affirmations of point of views.

The core of this festival is about celebrating photography, as well as celebrating the artists without whom this could not be possible. It’s about creating an exciting visual space, about stirring up emotion, provoking discussion. About getting people to think about these images, their context, their transformations and their possible future impact.

Christian Caujolle and Jenny Nordquist

Christian Caujolle and Jenny Nordquist are Art Directors of the Landskrona Photo Festival.



Landskrona Photo Festival
September 8-17, 2017


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