It was a very commemorative week… I have my obsessions:
—March 11, 2004. Madrid, bombing of the Atocha station: 192 dead, 1800 wounded.
—March 11, 2011. Japan, a tsunami devastates the northern part of the country and causes a nuclear disaster in Fukushima: 20,000 dead and missing, with more still to come…
—March 2011. Syria, a conflict that turns the country into a killing field and torture chamber: approximately 140,000 dead and counting.
Given all these human disasters, it seems like the earth has an uncanny ability to transform itself into a bloody sponge, and that man subsidizes its needs with a certain glee. But one hundred years ago was the beginning of a real massacre, and man has done better since. Nothing changes.
It’s outrageous and upsetting to hear of the death Cao Shun Li, 52, murdered by Chinese authorities. She was a courageous human rights activist, an unfashionable concept in the upper ranks of the Chinese Communist Party.
In a few days it will be spring, and we should all be able to and want to sing and whistle like the birds. But is that, in all conscience, possible?
Have a nice wek.