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The ADAGP and its Funds for Photographers


Between artist portraits, the capturing of works, or funding for research time, the ADAGP Support Fund promotes the professional development and structuring of its members by providing grants tailored to their needs. A new application session is open from September 10 until November 12.

In 2021, ADAGP, the society for the collection and distribution of copyright in the visual arts, and Google announced an agreement aimed at “supporting and remunerating visual arts authors in the digital context,” especially photographers. Signed for ten years, the agreement formalized the creation of a fund for ADAGP member artists, with the goal of supporting their professionalization, development, and digital presence.

The ADAGP Support Fund was born from this agreement. It aims to address a wide range of specific needs for artists and estates, including photographers and image creators. Whether it’s funding artistic research time, creating video or photo portraits of the artist, cataloging works, or even filming a video of a performance, six categories of grants ranging from €1,500 to €6,000 reflect a commitment to supporting the profession, its professionalization, communication, and structuring.

€2.5 Million in Grants Last Year

A new ADAGP commission was created for this purpose. It meets twice a year, in spring and autumn, with the mission of processing grant applications, ensuring the representation of the diversity of artistic disciplines and the specific needs of creators. In 2023, 634 grants were awarded, totaling €2.5 million.

For this new session, ADAGP members have until November 12 to submit their applications, except for the “Artistic Research Time” grant, which will close once 480 complete applications have been submitted.

Supporting Artists in the Digital Age

Beyond the financial aspect, this fund illustrates a commitment to promoting visual arts in France, as Marie-Anne Ferry-Fall, General Director of ADAGP, noted following the agreement with Google: “This demonstrates, once again, that creativity, digital technology, and copyright can understand each other and come together, for the benefit of all.”

By supporting artistic creation while facilitating the digital transition of photographers, the Support Fund allows authors to focus on their creative work while ensuring that their art finds a lasting place in the digital landscape.


More information on the ADAGP website.

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