Along with the exhibition The Magic Eye of Carlo Mollino the Centro Italiano per la Fotografia in Turin devotes to the eclectic architect and skilled photographer, Camera also proposes a series of talks in order to delve into Mollino’s work with I Giovedì in Camera (Thursdays at Camera), going on until May and conducted by Walter Guadagnini, director of Camera.
The talks on the treatise Il Messaggio dalla Camera Oscura (The Message from the Darkroom by Mollino) and on the Fondo Mollino (from the collections of the Turin Politecnico, the Archives of the Gabetti Library and the Carlo Mollino Collection), were followed by the one dedicated to Mollino as one of the most celebrated architects of the 20th century and among the few who reinterpreted his own buildings through photography. Other talks dealt with his surrealist inspiration connected with accuracy and his typical research on the perfection (e.g. the technical gestures of skiers).
The talks, from March 15 to May 3, will include the following:
Carol Rama and Carlo Mollino: two friends, two exhibitions. The two friends developed their art through non-conventional paths, as the shows at Camera and at the Galleria Sabauda in Turin illustrate. Speakers: Cristina Mundici, curator of the show at the Galleria Sabauda and Maurizio Ternavasio author of Carlo Mollino – La biografia.
Fulvio Ferrari narrates Carlo Mollino. Ferrari, who rediscovered Mollino, will illustrate his personality, starting from the 80s exhibits to the opening of the Museo Casa Mollino, his last enigmatic home.
Nude photography by Carlo Mollino. He designed cars, interiors, furniture, fashion items and even cutlery, wrote about photography, studied astrology. Beyond that, he left us thousands of photos and Polaroids portraying female nudes, according to a refined erotic imagery he instilled even in the buildings he designed (e.g. the Turin Teatro Regio schematics). Speaker: Flaminio Gualdoni (art critic).
The talk Carlo Mollino as an architect, is planned in partnership with Fondazione per l’architettura / Turin, also scheduled itineraries in May to discover his architecture in Turin. Speakers: Laura Milan and Sergio Pace (Turin Politecnico).
Carlo Mollino designer: the last talk of the series, deals with the interior design and furniture he drafted (more sculptures than decors, with a hint of imaginary suggestions). His artworks are on display at the MoMA NY and at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. Speaker: Marco Rainò, architect and designer.
Paola Sammartano
Paola Sammartano is a journalist specialized in arts and photography based in Milan, Italy.
CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia
Via delle Rosine 18
10123 – Torino