Rendez-Vous Image is an annual event aiming to promote (still and animated) images through encounters between the artists, their works, and the public. Every year, a professional artistic director lends his or her generous critical skills to select the works to be featured in the exhibition. After Jane Evelyn Atwood, Hans Silvester, and Denis Rouvre, it is the turn of Alain Willaime, member of the collective Tendance Floue, to be the artistic director of the 6th edition of the event.
The 2016 exhibition will feature 500 photographs taken by 50 national and international photographers, as well as 20 videos and 30 photobooks published traditionally or self-published. In the course of the event, three winners will be awarded the photo, book, and video awards.
The 2016 Photo Award goes to Andrey Kezzyn
A fourth prize is awarded to an artist selected by a jury of media professionals,* namely 26 figures in the world of photography, including journalists, editors-in-chief of photo magazines, and gallery directors. The recipient of the 2016 prize is a Russian photographer, Andrey Kezzyn, for his series My Conceptual Hell. The series by Christophe Meireis (Douce France), Irène Jonas (L’été en Bretagne), and Michel Rajkovic (Nowhere) were shortlisted by the jury.
My Conceptual Hell
All persons, places, and events in this book are real. Certain speeches and thoughts are necessarily constructions by the author. No names have been changed to protect the innocent, since God Almighty protects the innocent as a matter of Heavenly routine”. Kurt Vonnegut. The Sirens of Titan
Also known as Kezzyn Waits, Andrey Kezzyn is a fine-art photographer based in St Petersburg, Russia. He has been doing photography for over ten years; the last four years of his work have been devoted mainly to the genre of staged photography, which resulted in a series of large-scale single-frame images including the five-metre long ironic variation of Da Vinci’s Last Supper. The project curated by Yulia Alexandrova.
6ème Rendez-vous Image 2016
from 22nd to 24th January 2016
Palais des Congrès de Strasbourg
Place de Bordeaux
67082 Strasbourg
Friday 22nd January 2016 – 6 pm to 9 pm
Saturday 23rd January 2016 10 am to 9 pm
Sunday 24th January 2016 10 am to 7 pm