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Stéphanie Labé

Inner world
“Man is not this external being who builds his sandcastle on an abandoned beach. He is the most sensitive, most vital part of the living Universe; it is to him that nature whispers its most constant desires, its most buried secrets. A reversal of perspective then takes place. While man becomes the interior of the landscape, the latter becomes the interior landscape of man.” Freely inspired by this excerpt from François Cheng in his work “Five meditations on beauty”, the series “Inner worlds” offers introspective images that invite us to empty our minds to reconnect with ourselves by soaking up the vital energy driven by Nature. Like a haiku, each photograph is a small poem to be experienced as a meditation on the evanescence of things and the lightness of Being. Photographs that are not to be seen as a representation of the outside world but as reflections of our inner world.

Instagram : steph_labe

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