The term Sartiglia derives from the Castilian “Sortilla”, which in turn derives from the Latin “Sorticula”, which means ring but also “Sors”, meaning luck.
The Sartiglia in fact consists of the knights’ attempt to hit a target, the star, by challenging fate.
Sartiglia has very distant origins. In the 11th century, military games were introduced in Europe and were used to train militias. These races, over the years, underwent various evolutions until the 15th and 16th centuries, when equestrian races lost their military value and became real shows for the public.
Sovereigns, viceroys, feudal lords and professional corporations organized such shows on the occasion of kings or bishops taking possession of offices, births of heirs to the throne or particular holidays in the liturgical calendar, directly involving the noble class and giving the people suggestive shows .
The oldest documents regarding the history of Sartiglia are found in a council register within the city’s Historical Archives. The register is dated 1547-48 and within it there is mention of a “Sortilla” organized in honor of Emperor Charles V, probably in 1546.
Subsequent documents instead testify to the purchase by the city authority of the wooden stalks to be used during the race from the workshop of a master carpenter. This detail leads us to think that probably, in the Spanish era, the race was organized by the same municipal institution and, subsequently, entrusted to the gremi. the Farmers’ Gremio takes care of all the ceremonial phases of the Sartiglia which takes place on Sunday, while it is up to the Carpenters’ Guild to organize that on Tuesday.
Both gremi are guardians of tradition and are responsible for ensuring that the joust is celebrated under any conditions.
Their activity takes place throughout the year and is closely related to the equestrian tournament. The Race to the Star is the main and best-known phase of the entire event. It consists of a galloping race by the knights to seize the suspended star with their sword.
The steel star, one of the main symbols of Sartiglia, hangs in the center of the track with a green ribbon, before the eyes of thousands of spectators who admire the event every year.
The triple crossing of swords between Su Componidori and his second under the star starts the race. From that moment the challenge begins.
Su Componidori will be the first to try his luck, trying to catch the target at a gallop. It will then be the turn of Su Segundu and Su Terzu (his two helpers).
Subsequently, all the other knights to whom the race leader will give the honor of the sword will be able to try their hand at the feat. In fact he and only he will be able to choose who among the participating knights will be able to try to grasp the star.
obviously, to be able to tell through images what SARTIGLIA is, these few images are not enough. To discover it at its best, all you have to do is come to Oristano on the last Sunday and Tuesday of the carnival. We are waiting for you!!