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Spazio Nobile : Frederik Vercruysse : Windows


Opening during Brussels Gallery Weekend, Spazio Nobile in Brussels presents the first solo show of Belgian artist Frederik Vercruysse with the gallery.

In this exhibition, titled Windows, Vercruysse explores the image as a window that opens onto the real and the imaginary. The figurative space takes new shapes in the defined frame, sometimes blurred by frosted glass or a projected shadow. At different levels, the object appears in a humanised landscape, but without a human presence. It is transformed by daylight, at dawn or dusk, creating visual impressions that emerge from a facade, a landscape, a bouquet of flowers…

  • Windows Stills, photographs, 5 + 2AP
  • Windows Light Boxes, bright rooms, 3 + 2AP
  • Windows Mirror Glass Boxes, psyches, 3 + 2AP

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