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Skreid : Helene Schmitz : 1983


During the pandemic, Swedish photographer artist Helene Schmitz made a deep dive into the her archives.

The 1983 book published by Skreid publishing presents a selection of Schmitz’s earliest production, a unique photographic material that constitutes an important piece of the puzzle in Swedish photography in the eighties. Schmitz’s works and diary entries, together with letters from people close to her, are also a poetic document of the music and art scene of the time in Stockholm.

Helene Schmitz has previously published several award-winning books. Blow Up (2003) and Ur Regnskogens Skugga (2012) were nominated for the August Prize. Schmitz has also made a number of solo exhibitions in Sweden and internationally, including the 2018 exhibition Thinking Like a Mountain at Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde in Stockholm, in 2019 she exhibited at the Photographic Center in Copenhagen and in 2020 her photographic works were shown in a solo exhibition at Fotografiska in New York.

The book 1983 is published by Skreid publishing.

The exhibition is Curated by Ebba de Faire, and hosted by Sotheby´s, Sturegatan 24, Stockholm.


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