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Serap Gecü


La Dérive

The photographs in the series, titled after Guy Debord’s theory of “La Dérive”, reflect what an eye sees when it is not fully present, focusing on the witnessing of those who pass by rather than on living, and being caught in a situationist drift. Within the selection that is designed as a personal retrospective, there is a variety of work from Serap Gecü’s early and recent analog photography series taken in different cities around the world. Inspired by Deleuze and Guattari’s quote, ‘What sees is not the eye, but the landscape,’ the artist looks at herself through what she sees in the photographs. In 2023, Serap Gecü’s first book with the same title was exhibited at border_less Art Book Fair in Istanbul, Athens Art Book Fair, and Vienna Art Book Fair.

Serap Gecü

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