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Sébastien Durand


Metro Sapiens

The book “Metro Sapiens” invites you to take a poetic dive into the Paris metro.

In the bowels of the city, beyond the crowds that pass each other without seeing each other, there seem to be other inhabitants, silent, attentive, curious, who play with our indifference. Random journeys, these appearances sometimes come to meet us. Furtive snapshots then detaching themselves from their cold walls, these traveling companions come alive and question our journey…

The book is prefaced by Stéphane Tonnelat, ethnographer.


The characteristics of “Metro Sapiens” are
– vertical format 20.7 cm by 27.4 cm (French style)
– 112 pages
– printing on 150 g/m² paper, in three colors
– printed in the heart of the Tarn by Escourbiac
– public price 42€

Sébastien Durand
email : [email protected]
Site :
Instagram : @durandsebast

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