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Salon Le Vésin’art : Théâtre du Vesinet : Aaron : Strain Time


Until March 17, the Théâtre du Vesinet is presenting Strain Time, an exhibition by Aaron.

Strain Time is a particularly graphic series. It combines the ambivalences inherent to our human reality.
Tension – flexibility, constraint – adaptation, material – transparency, light – shadows.
No choice possible, all the photos catch my eye.
However, her series Strain Time, in the tension of a woman struggling in a drape, brings together questioning, strength, pain and aesthetics. I see there the desire to “move” while being unable to do so.
The sequence of delicacy and transparency offers the most wonderful outlet for daydreaming.

Myriam Delahoux


Aaron : Strain Time
Until March 17, 2024
Salon Le Vésin’art
Théâtre du Vésinet
59 Bld Carnot
78110 – Le Vésinet

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