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Saint Lucy Books : Regina DeLuise : The Hands of My Friends


Published by Saint Lucy Books, The Hands of My Friends is the first monograph by photographer Regina DeLuise. Drawn to the ineffable and the curious nature of the real, DeLuise works with a large-format 8×10 camera and the Platinum/Palladium printing process. Her luminous imagery explores the visual complexities and everyday poetry of contemporary experience through portraiture, landscape, and still life.

DeLuise’s photography reveals a profound love for the medium, embracing light, circumstance, and the beauty and mystery of the quotidian. Her images embody the depth and richness of human perception, capturing the elegant and tender moments of contemporary life.

“As in portraiture, I discovered the essence and character of the land and the intimate connection to what is in front of my lens are of paramount importance. I’ve often referred to Italy as my creative home. A deep connection to my Motherland, forged during years of graduate study, has remained a constant in my life. Through many visits with my extended family, who remained in Italy after my grandparents departed Naples and Spinoso, to 1994, the year of my Guggenheim Fellowship, teaching in Cortona, and a residency at the Bogliasco Foundation in 2018, Italy has been an abiding thread that weaves through my life and through the images I selected for “The Hands of My Friends”.”
—Regina DeLuise

“Working with an 8×10 view camera invariably calls attention to the photographer. It is an impressive and intriguing object, and the curiosity of gatekeepers often allows me to move into spaces where a conventional camera would be turned away. Photographing in this way is slow, meditative and demands exertion; it amplifies the mysterious nature of image making, how place, light, collaboration and patience, reveal a moment worth knowing and preserving.”
—Regina DeLuise

Regina DeLuise, an Italian American, has always felt a deep connection to Italy, her motherland. This connection, forged during her years of graduate study and numerous visits with her extended family, is reflected in the many images made in Italy featured in the book.


Regina DeLuise : The Hands of My Friends
Essays by Felicia McCarren and Regina DeLuise
Design by Guenet Abraham
Published by Saint Lucy Books (August 2024)
Cloth Cover
224 Pages, 9.5 x 11 Inches
ISBN ‎979-8-9899602-0-0

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