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Romain Thiery – Requiem for pianos

Why does the piano evoke such nostalgia and emotions in us, even after centuries as a domestic instrument?
The French photographer and classical pianist Romain Thiery thinks that the piano is, in his own words, “deeply rooted in the depths of our culture” and has sought to explore the instrument from an original angle. His mission is to combine his two greatest passions: photography and piano.
“As a pianist myself, emotion takes over when I discover a neglected piano. This is the culmination of my art: my two passions are then united in one and the same feeling. ”
Its modus operandi is to explore abandoned heritage buildings, and to find old pianos, often edentulous, ravaged by the merciless passage of time but still imposing their nobility.
The series from the works of Romain Thiery is called “Requiem for pianos”. She catapulted the name of the photographer around the world. To achieve his series, Romain Thiery has explored for more than 10 years several countries including France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. Romania. Through his images, the musical notes of these abandoned pianos reason again in these buildings in ruins, giving free rein to our imagination.

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