Gaston Paris – Born in 1903, Gaston Paris was one of the pillars of the weekly Vu in the 1930s, founded in 1928 by Lucien Vogel. The only employee among the photographers, he shares the pages of the magazine with Laure Albin-Guillot, Germaine Krull, André Kertész … He multiplies reports: cinema, sport, song, theater, the construction site of the new Trocadéro … etc. Alongside this classic production of a photographer reporter of the time, he delivers many strange and personal short reports, with surreal inspirations. He excelled in bizarre staging and became one of the regular contributors to Detective magazine from the late 1930s to the 1950s; between horror and Grand Guignol he recreates dramas populated by gangsters and adulterers … He died in Paris in 1964. Redeemed by Roger-Viollet shortly after the photographer’s disappearance, the 15,000 photographs by Gaston Paris allow us to follow the evolution of his gaze, to grasp his familiarity with his models, Simenon, Cocteau, Jouvet or Piaf, and to discover the charms of swimsuit competitions at the Molitor swimming pool, those behind the scenes of the Folies Bergère or the workshops of Yves Brayer and Moses Kisling.
Gaston Paris’ photographs are exclusively at Roger-Viollet.
Agence Roger-Viollet
6, rue de Seine 75006 Paris
Tél : +33(0)1 55 42 89 00