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Roger Calmé


Erriadh / The quarries of Seltene

Erriadh is the neighboring town of the Seltene quarries and the railway terminus. A cross track then allows you to reach the village and the extraction sites. Their white marble cubes dominate the city, like ramparts.

Everything is in between here. The material in its raw state, but cut in a geometric way, the communication network which resembles a map, a project, lines drawn in parallel. The rails, the tarmac, the tracks, the canal… Residents have to walk several kilometers to reach the access points. The sky is immense and the earth resembles it.

I don’t know if it’s true, but a marble statue was found nearby which dates from the Carthage era. Of all this, there is almost nothing left. Just ruins and this emptiness of stone. A negative imprint, a bit like a fossil.

Roger Calmé

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