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Robert Mack : Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity


Robert Mack, photographer, visual artist, filmmaker, photographed and filmed criminally insane men for his project, Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity. These extremely rare black and white photographs were taken in 1981 and are compassionate, yet sobering portraits of insane men many who have committed murder. The legal courts determined these men to be dangerous to themselves or others, and so they were sent to a maximum security hospital for treatment, rather than to prison for punishment.

This body of work has received two major museum exhibitions, both in America and with Zephyr at the Reiss-Engelhorn Museum in Mannheim, Germany. David Fahey of the Fahey Klein gallery in Los Angeles has a selection of the work.

Robert Mack will be at Les Rencontres De La Photographie in Arles July 1 – 5, 2023 and is available to meet with various museums and galleries for a potential exhibition. There are over 100 silver gelatin dark-room printed photographs, a documentary 16 mm film, and a hardcover catalogue included in the Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity collection.

For more Information, contact Robert via email: [email protected]





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