The 7th Pictet Prize was awarded to Irish photographer Richard Mosse for his work ‘Heat Maps 2016-2017‘. Over a year, the photographer followed several migratory routes, capturing the life of refugees with a thermal camera. This equipment is usually used by border guards and militaries troops. Results are showing a surprising set of panoramic photographs, highlighting heat zones specific to human bodies, activities in the camps and isolated individuals in large quasi-militarized areas, such as the Channel Tunnel.
For its seventh year, the Pictet prize chose the theme of space. Chaired by its honorary President Kofi Annan, the jury chose Richard Mosse among twelve competitors, including Sergei Ponomarev, Thomas Ruff, Mandy Barker and Sohei Nishino. The prize-winner collects a prize of 100,000 Swiss francs (more than 92,000 euros).
Richard Mosse is a photographer born in 1980 in Kilkenny (Ireland). He graduated from King’s College London in literature, a master’s degree at the Goldsmiths University of London and a master’s degree at the Yale School of Art. He became known for his infrared photography on Congolese conflict. Mosse is a nominee member of the Magnum Photo agency.
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– Pictet