Twice a year, the magazine Réponses Photo publishes a special edition on a specific theme. This year, the 16h edition currently on newsstands, asks the question: “Where does photography end?”
The editors attempt to redefine the limits of photography. It’s a difficult question to answer without first figuring out where photography begins. With digital photography, it’s now easier than ever to take a picture. But just because one takes pictures doesn’t make one a photographer. This reminds one of the unfortunate recent decision by the Chicago Sun-Times to lay off all its photographers and have their journalists take pictures instead. The future of the profession looks bleak.
But returning to the question, “Where does photography end?” Although this is the issue’s central question, no attempt is made to provide an answer, since each viewer has his or her own point of view. There’s an interesting discussion between editor-in-chief Jean-Christophe Béchet and the photographer Cédrix Delsaux, where each defends his own idea of reality in photography.
To illustrate the issue’s theme, readers will find the work of eight photographers: Cédric Delsaux, Guillaume Zuili, Vee Speers, Gilles Desroziers, Jean-Michel Fauquet, Marc Chostakoff, Michael Jasmin and Thibaut Brunet.
Finally, Réponses Photo and the Picto laboratory have teamed up to organize a contest with a reward of 200 large-format prints. To participate, simply return the entry form found in the first pages of the issue.
Ericka Weidmann