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Rencontres de la photographie in Gaspésie : On the moose potentially fatal unpredictability


The 14th Rencontres de la photographie in Gaspésie Canada will take place this summer in 13 municipalities, cities and national parks on the peninsula, under the theme On the moose potentially fatal unpredictability. Presented mainly outdoors, the exhibitions and installations will show the work of 16 artists from Quebec and abroad. The vast majority of them will be on show from July 15th to September 30th, 2023.

It is the title of a text by French author Patrice Juiff, produced during a residency in Gaspésie in the fall of 2022, which inspired this year’s theme. “When reading this text, which Patrice describes as a kind of literary road trip, a story of mental wandering in Gaspésie to meet people, the territory, the beauty and the fragility of the landscape, I wanted to draw inspiration from his encounters and his story to imagine the program, explains Claude Goulet, general and artistic director of the Rencontres. Quickly, Patrice agreed to lend us his words. Excerpts from Patrice Juiff’s text will also be published on the occasion of the Rencontres on tour, in August 2023.

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