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Reine Paradis: Midnight


Galerie Catherine et André Hug presents until December 19, 2018 the second personal exhibition of Reine Paradis with her brand new series “Midnight”.

Reine constructs narrative photographs by putting herself in a surreal landscape and for each scene, the process is the same: first she imagines a scene, then she creates a model that she uses as a reference throughout the process, she designs and makes accessories, costumes and origami, and finally photographs the scene.

Staging adds a dimension of essential performance and it is a necessity for her to “live” the stage in order to fully convey the original vision.

In “Midnight” Reine Paradis’s night is American. Whence this blue that marries the green in drifting and playful narrations, symbolic and surreal in urban or desert landscapes the universe is as always in the geometric and poetic for the artist. The real is spiced with fantasies.

But if Reine Paradis herself is theatrical action, offbeat and chic in her photos, it is the blue who is the muse and the eternal star.

Reine Paradis works her different series, each with their own counterpoint color (blinding dark orange, saturated lemon), blue is the constant. In her most recent work, blue is joined by some lime green. While the blue is deployed mainly in its place of almost natural sky or perhaps as a kind of aquatic floor, green is used for costumes, props and sculptures that trace the elements of the story. For her, it is essential that the imagined scenes are “really photographed”, which means that images of elaborate, optically charged but basically analog scenarios are taken. The animation of these fictions on the spot is the figure of the artist herself, the living heroine of her own mechanical history and another object among many others. Photography becomes the only way for her to create a world that exists between reality and imagination.


Reine Paradis: Midnight

Jusqu’au 19 décembre 2018

Galerie Catherine et André Hug

40, rue de seine / 2, rue de l’Echaudé

75.006 Paris  – tel +33143269375

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