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Réflexivité(s) : Véronique de Viguerie


Véronique de Viguerie (1978) is a Paris-based photoreporter.
This woman, who ironically presents herself as a “war photographer, mother of two, blonde-yet-not-dumb”, is constantly driven by the desire to show what needs to be seen.
For Véronique, it all began in Afghanistan, in 2003. Very quickly, war reality caught up with her: she narrowly escaped a suicide bombing. Very quickly too, her composure and her sense of image were acknowledged and praised. In 2018 she won the prestigious Visa d’or News for her coverage: ‘Yemen, the war they hide from us’.


” All along my 15 years of reportage around the world, I have often been confronted with the “Enemy”, the one from the other side, the one we refuse to see sometimes: The Taliban in Afghanistan, the gangs in Rio’s favelas, the pirates in Somalia, the hit women in Colombia… Each time I was disturbed, shocked by my way of perceiving the world, of finding myself facing tangible human beings, whereas I expected to meet “monsters”.

It is clear enough. Our binary vision of a black and white world is reductive. The reality is much more complex, more layered, more colourful.
My job is to put a face on the “Enemy” to better grasp him, to decipher him, to give him back his human dimension.
Contrary to popular belief, not everything is black in war zones. Alongside horror, there can be solidarity, bravery, honour, humanity and sometimes even poetry. Life is not always rosy, but it is all the more precious when death looms.
With this exhibition, I hope to help you discover, objectively, this part of humanity that is to be found in everyone. These photographs break the clichés to allow us to emancipate ourselves from our black and white prism.”
Véronique de Viguerie


From July 14 to 31, 2022
Lourmarin, France


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