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Ray K. Metzker – Photo Synthesis


In New York, Laurence Miller Gallery presents Photo Synthesis by Ray K. Metzker, an exhibition of 13 vintage prints from four decades, which exemplify the artist’s pursuit of abstraction in nature, while embracing delicacy of detail.

Throughout his prolific career, Metzker never ceased to find visual pleasure in trees, whether among the hills of Tuscany or on the streets of Philadelphia. Among the images in this exhibition are a small 1962 Wisconsin winter scene, a unique Whimsy composite from 1974, a Pictus Interruptus from 1978, and his classic 1983 City Whispers view of two pedestrians caught on either side of light and shadow, with a tree encroaching from the right. In hindsight, this picture announced Ray’s radical shift from cityscape to landscape, a study that would preoccupy him over the next decade.

Ray K. Metzker, born in 1931, quietly made extraordinary photographs for over 60 years. Today, he is recognized as one of the great masters of American photography, a virtuoso who pursued his chosen medium passionately, and produced an outstanding, innovative and far-reaching body of work.


Ray K. Metzker – Photo Synthesis

September 13 – October 27, 2018

Laurence Miller Gallery

521 W. 26th St. NYC 212-397-3930



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