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Rafael Navarro, Another view on the world


Rafael Navarro is a Spanish artist who lives at the gates of a desert in Aragon. A prolific artist, he has produced many series favouring tension over harmony while maintaining his own aesthetic. He skilfully manipulates a confrontation of signs where they arise, of invisible messages that result in very powerful combinations. He knows how to strike a balance between black and white in presenting us with a beautiful grey palette, woman and nature, the sky and the earth, mankind and the world… He carefully avoids the trap of redundancy, all the while ceaselessly giving us the anguish of humanity and the fullness of nature. Anguish with hands cramped on a support, cries, tensions that are distress signals, holes: feeling of peace with wide landscapes, skies, trees or plants, silence. The confrontation remains, provided by roads, tree trunks, walls, rocks, branches… We find in Rafael Navarro’s work a very strong need to act on reality and for permanence, the woman, her body whole or fragmented, a representation that achieves almost a symbolic appearance.

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