Medianoche (Midnight) is a body of work that explores nocturnal rituals of insinuation. In this photography work, night-time becomes the stage on which courtship becomes almost ritualistic.
Midnight refers to a fleeting moment – a line that divides one moment in time from another. It is then that a transformation happens, a metamorphosis, and an instinctive drive, from deep within, offers us the opportunity to show ourselves as less ordinary.
Things happen, sometimes unnoticed, which reflect our own obsessions or fantasies. Non-verbal codes are used to communicate, and once interpreted, they become intimate longing and desire. This project looks at the relationship between instinct and desire and how they condition our behavior. And also, how we play out our fantasies of seduction.
This Pictures have been taken between 2009 and 2011 in cities as Belgrade, Madrid, Barcelona and other places in Spain.
Rafael Arocha Perez (Canary Islands, 1978)