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QUEERCIRCLE : New Space in London


QUEERCIRCLE’s new dedicated LGBTQ+ cultural space will open in London in june 2022, with a solo exhibition, ‘Let Me Hold You,’ by Michaela Yearwood-Dan and an archive-based exhibition celebrating the radical drag queens of the gay liberation front.

QUEERCIRCLE, an LGBTQ+ charity working at the intersection of arts, culture and social action, will open a new permanent home for LGBTQ+ artists and safe space for the community on 9 June 2022. Recognising the disappearance of artist studios and the closure of over 50% of dedicated LGBTQ+ spaces in London in the past decade, QUEERCIRCLE will support the LGBTQ+ community through an annual programme of physical and digital exhibition commissions, participatory artist residencies and a public programme designed to strengthen links between arts, culture, health and wellbeing.

QUEERCIRCLE, 0.1, Building 4, 3 Barton Yard, Soames Walk, Design District, Greenwich SE10 0BN

‘Let Me Hold You’ and ‘The Queens’ Jubilee’ will run from 9 June – 8 September 2022.




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