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Prize of Académie des Beaux-Arts

Prize of Académie des Beaux-Arts / Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière

In order to accompany the creation of a department of photography, the Academie des Beaux-Arts has created in 2007 a photography prize aimed to help experienced photographers produce a meaningful project and to promote their work.


Provision: Fimalac 15,000 euros to produce a project + exhibition of the project the next year in an exhibition room at the Institut de France.

Decided by: the Photo department of the Academie des Beaux-Arts.

Date of creation: 2006

Object: to support the work of an experienced photographer, French or residing in France.

Conditions: No age limit, no subject imposed. The candidate must submit to the jury an original photo project and a portfolio. In the case of success, the project shall be produced during the following year after the award of the prize.

Deadline: The candidate submits a dossier on a date fixed in the terms and conditions, generally mid June. The results will be informed in the Fall. The project shall be produced for the following year.

Jury: A pre-jury is composed of qualified personalities who will submit to the jury its selection of 15 to 20 dossiers. The Jury is composed of members of the Académie.
En 2010, M. Arnaud d’Hauterives, (Perpetual secretary of the Académie des Beaux-Arts and President of the jury), M. Yann Arthus-Bertrand (photography), M. Jean Cardot, (sculpture), M. Lucien Clergue (photography), M. Jacques Rougerie, (architecture) M. Guy de Rougemont (painting), M. Pierre Schœndœrffer and M. Régis Wargnier (Art creations in cinema and audiovisual) and M. Marc Fumaroli, (Member of the Académie française), Mme Elise Longuet, (Fimalac, Director of external relations).

Fimalac : [email protected]
Académie des Beaux-Arts : Hermine Videau-Sorbier / 01 44 41 43 20

Past winners: Malik Nejmi (winner 2007, L’ombre de l’enfance -the shadow of childhood), Jean-François Spricigo (winner 2008, anima) and Thibaut Cuisset (winner 2009, En campagne -in countryside) and Marion Poussier (winner 2010)

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