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Private travel stories


All the photographers brought together here understand travel in the old-fashioned sense. They have both time ahead of them and space around them, and the ability to knit together the imaginary and the real, far from the madding crowd of tourists. Their points of reference differ, as do their destinations and motivations, and yet a common thread leads from one series to another. Jacques Borgetto has been taking photographs of Latin America for many years, using a strong and precise personal language and an approach that is far removed from the usual clichés. Sophie Zénon, an avid traveller, has crossed Asia many times, especially Mongolia, Eastern Siberia and Cambodia. Here, her pictures of Asia are shown alongside more familiar images of Normandy or Italy. In all these photographs, there is an apparent calm and an all-pervading grace, a subtle language in which the panoramic format follows the movements of her journey, like a travelling shot in a film. With Francoise Nuñez and Bernard Plossu, the journey is a sentimental one. The place is but a pretext and a backdrop; the real destination is Other people. From Mexico in 1981 to Italy, from Greece to Andaluc’a, their vision, from the same starting point, becomes stereoscopic, and photography is as much the reflection of their inner vision as it is of any reality.

10 november – 15 december 2010
Espace photographique de lʼHôtel de Sauroy
58 rue Charlot, 75003 Paris

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