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Portrait(s) Vichy 2023


The summer season in Vichy is that of Portrait(s) when the spa town gets into the spirit of photography. Portrait(s) is set up in the Grand thermal establishment and in the Hall des sources where the indoor exhibitions will be presented. In addition to these emblematic places in Vichy, there are other exhibition spaces located outside: the esplanade of Lac d’Allier and the forecourts of the station and the Grand thermal establishment. Nearly 10 exhibitions make up this rich photographic journey offered for this year from June 24 to October 1, 2023.


Erwin Olaf
Jacques Sonck
Stephane Lavoue
Gilles Leimdorfer

Letizia Le Fur,
Presented by Cinq Étoiles Productions

Étoiles d’Agent, Group Show
12 Artists of Lambert I Lambert:
Charlotte Krieger, Benni Valsson
Laura Pelissier, Eva Wang
Valentin Abad, Charles Negre
Korner Union, Sophie Van Der Perre
Lilian Hardouineau, Kourtney Roy
Marine Armandin, Vincent Fournier

Words to See – Mathieu Pernot
Presented by Neuflize OBC

The Voice of the Gaze – Liu Bolin
Carte Blanche to Brigitte Patient

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