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PhotoPhnomPenh 2011 –Lek Kiatsirikajorn


After seven years of study abroad, meeting up again with his parents in their modest place was a shock for the photographer, who found that they had grown old. He knows that, had he been present, he wouldn’t have seen this change, slowly coming about, day by day, imperceptible. He decided to do a series of “portraits” of his parents, with a tender approach, with emotion and restraint. This is an uncommon way of doing portraits, in square format, in soft colors, alternating details with more expansive shots, and punctuating the work with sober details of the environment. Aging is a delicate puzzle that the son invites us to reconstruct in keeping with his emotions. This is an affirmation of a very simple relationship, simple yet moving in its accuracy.

Born in Thailand in 1977. He first studied painting at Silpakorn University in Bangkok, before turning to photography. In 2001 he graduated from the Arts Institute of Bournemouth in England with a diploma in photography. Shortly afterwards, he won the prize “When fashion encounters art,” given out by the British magazine ArtReview. He then devoted himself to the world of fashion and advertising in the United Kingdom. He returned to Thailand in 2008.

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