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Photo Competition : Today’s Professions in The Vocance


It’s the poorest of all the photo competitions, 2 prizes of 100 euros but also one of the nicest.
You have until February 16 to participate.

As part of the “Cultural Week in Vocance”, the LaboCance Association is co-organizing with the Carrefour des Arts de Lalouvesc a free photo competition, open to all photographers, excluding members of the jury and their families.


The competition is open to any person over 18 years old. Participation in the competition is free. It implies full acceptance of the rules, without the possibility of complaining about the results.

Prizes and awards:

18 photos will be selected in total, only one per participant, for a 30x40cm print produced by the Carrefour des Arts.

An exhibition of these prints will take place at the L’Arbre à Livres library in Villevocance during the “Cultural Week in Vocance”. The exhibition will last from Saturday April 5, 2025 to Saturday April 12, 2025 inclusive, during library opening hours.

The winners will be informed by telephone or email from March 5, 2025.

During this exhibition, the jury and the public will be asked to choose a photo. There will therefore be a Public Prize and a Jury Prize.

The 2 photos having received the most votes will be exhibited and highlighted as part of the Carrefour des Arts 2025 edition in Lalouvesc.

The two winners will receive a prize worth €100 each.

The other photos will be given in person to their owners during the opening hours of the Villevocance library upon presentation of a valid ID, from April 14, 2025 and until April 19 at the latest.

The 2 photos selected for the Carrefour des Arts will be returned in person to their owner at the end of the exhibition from September 1 and until September 19, 2025.


Deadline for participation: February 16, 2025

Full rules and entry form:

SIGNED bulletin and your photos (2 maximum in .JPG format), to be sent by email to [email protected] until February 16, 2025 at the latest.

Create an account or log in to read more and see all pictures.

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