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Phot’Aubrac 2021 : Roland Avard


Lost at the back of the stable, these two lines of photographs carefully placed in American boxes surprise more than one visitor.

Could it be the photographer’s white photograph in unison with the writer’s blank page? Never mind, whiteness is only appearance, the image is only diaphanous and yet it gets constructed in our imagination. No false reflections, we are in front of figurative works. The right question that is asked what is the imagination? One thing is certain, it is the focal point of this special festival, the quality.

In the midst of this minimalist trend that invades us like blur or amateurism in their time to become fashions, Roland Avard is a creator who masters the rendering of his own questions. He does not trap his landscapes, he no longer fixes images, he transposes like the writer poetizes. It offers us an excellent potential, except to fall into the danger of always dangerous excesses at this stage of uncertainties.

Both in their concept and in their realization, Roland’s works present the true sincerity of creative doubts, which gives them sound values.

Thierry Maindrault

[email protected]

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