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Philippe Vermès –Mythic bikers


Philippe Vermès took these portraits over a couple of years in the late 8Oʼs during two major rallies: one in Sturgis, South Dakota, and the other in London, New Hampshire.
In Philippe Vermès’s book Straightening Out the Corners (Portraits of American Bikers and Their Bikes), A.D. Coleman writes “Anyone who’s wondered what became of Robert Frank’s black bikers – or the alienated young white working – class cyclists later heroicized by Frank’s disciple, Danny Lyon, can turn to these studies by Philippe Vermès. Perhaps they’re to be found here”. And like the typical small town itinerant portrait photographer, Vermès accords them the right to be observed acceptingly and non-judgmentally. What results are information – heavy portraits, rich in detail – close observations that stem from two traditions, one photographic, the other painterly.

1-30 novembre 2010
Galerie W
44 rue Lepic, 75018 Paris

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