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Pentti Sammallahti – The fowler


In this fourth solo exhibition that Camera Obscura dedicates to Pentti Sammallahti, the Camera Obscura Gallery shows unpublished works, as well as a choice of bird images, a theme that is widely present in his work, and which is the subject of a monograph to be published in October by Xavier Barral editions. The photographs of Pentti Sammallahti are of those that can be universally understood, received and admired. They have the evidence of a work that is both popular and virtuoso, full of humanity and humor. His images are astonishing in their plastic quality and speak to connoisseurs as well as to the layman. Henri Cartier-Bresson, seeing by chance some Sammallahti prints during the preparation of Paris Photo 2001, surprised to see a work of this quality, totally unknown to him, acquired a print, before including it in his choice of one hundred photographs chosen to inaugurate his foundation. Pentti Sammallahti,


L’oiseleur / The fowler
October 26 to December 29, 2018
Galerie Camera Obscura
268 boulevard Raspail
75014 Paris

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