Underwater, the city.
It is a long lasting project started a few years ago, today more than ever alive and current after the Covid 19 emergency. Hovering between heaven and earth, between reality and dream, the boundaries blur to the point of confusing all certainty. In an unusual dimension it is easy to get lost to the point of losing references, identity, history. Isolation has forced us to review our boundaries, to measure with new criteria the certainties we had consolidated. We discover ourselves capable of new relationships, of other intimacies, of daring looks. What used to be outside of us is no longer outside of us. I am comforted by the intimate relief of a rainy day, as if everything around me was gathering in a fetal position, absorbing life. A private dimension, delicately silent, permeated with deep shadows and sparkling reflections. Fleeting breaths of dramatic thunderstorms and crystalline lightening, deep, ancestral, infinite breaths. Water that repairs hidden wounds, that smoothes the crusts, water that regenerates, that washes memories. Unusual and providential, it restores moments of peace, filters and confuses.