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Patrick Longueville


France in all its states
My photo feeds on jokes. The street offers them, when it smiles. It happens to her! Much more often than one might think for anyone who knows how to look. From then on, eyes out of my pockets, feet pacing Paris, I try to capture these smiles. Smiles of the things seen which, perhaps, will awaken the spirit of the child who still lives in our adult bodies. With its share of naivety, lightness, cheerfulness and sometimes sadness that makes children living beings. Perceiving the world without trappings or artifice, but at its fair value. However, I want to reassure you, since childhood I learned to read, write and think. And it is the reflection that confirmed me in my choices as an adult. Also in my findings. The era no longer containing enough joy in it to make life smile, it must be brightened up. From then on, in the adolescence of old age, I opted to get drunk on nothing. Finally, I try. To make those I love smile, dispel their boredom and revive their lives. My pictures ? I call them childishness! They spare no one. Men, scenes of life, statues and the spirit of the times are no exception. Wherever my lens crosses them, I try to immortalize them in a way that is both penetrating and light. I make funny with sad or funny with funny. Never sad with sad. I refuse the immediate intimacy of unhappiness. Too sweet. I prefer sour. Like the bittersweet sensations that the sour candies of my childhood gave me. I take you on a pearly journey of jubilation and impromptu. All these somewhat singular “tricks” that make the world plural.
Patrick Longueville

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