The exhibition Passage offers visions of artists exploring the boundary between childhood and adulthood. For this occasion, Thierry Ruffieux invited me, as both a photographer and exhibition curator, to bring together and compare different perspectives on the intermediate age of adolescence.
“Adolescence is a kingdom of fallen and still falling angels, but it is yet a kingdom,” wrote James Agee of Helen Levitt’s photographs in his introduction to the book A Way of Seeing. It’s that “still falling,” that suspended, nostalgic moment where everything is possible that I try to explore in my work, this period where identity is still being formed, where one is neither child nor adult, neither man nor woman, and where reality and fantasy still coexist.
Claudine Doury
Read the full text on the French version of Le Journal.
Curator : Claudine Doury / Agence VU’
Artists: Sabrina Biro, Martin Bogren, Laure Donze, Claudine Doury, Nicolas Faure, Paul Graham, Steve Iuncker / Agence VU’, Laura Pannack, Alessandra Sanguinetti, Nicolas Savary, Alena Zhandarova
From April 19th to June 1st, 2013
Forum Meyrin
1 place des Cinq-Continents,
1217 Meyrin, Genève