Robert Morat (Hamburg) presents Jessica Backhaus. Berlin-based Jessica Backhaus (1970) is regarded as one of the most distinguished voices in contemporary photography from Germany today.
The gallery is presenting work from her latest series Once, still and forever. The book on the series, published by Kehrer Publishers, has just been recently released in the US. As in her former work, notably Jesus and the Cherries (2005), “One Day in November“ or “What still remains“ (both 2008), Jessica Backhaus develops a strong sense for the melancholy of the everyday and the emotional quality of color and light. By her capturing vernacular scenes and situations that the viewer may have passed by inattention, we learn about the artist’s way of seeing and are allowed to share her perception of the world. “Photographs capture a moment in time, but what is time? This is a question that haunts me. Photography, for me, has roots in the desire to preserve and hold on to something that has happened in the past. The passage of time and transience are issues that occupy me and play a significant role in my work. I am captivated with the experience of time vanishing and slipping away.” Jessica Backhaus.