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Paris Photo 2011 : Xippas (France | Swiss | Uruguay | Greece)

The Galerie Xippas is present is several countries: France, Switzerland, Greece and Uruguay. For its stand at Paris Photo, the Galerie Xippas presents the photography of Darren Almond, Philippe Bordas, Valérie Jouve, Vera Lutter and Vik Muniz.

Artists exhibited
Darren Almond, Philippe Bordas, Valérie Jouve, Vera Lutter, Vik Muniz

Stand : A24

108, rue Vieille-du-Temple
75003, Paris France
T. +33 (0)1 40 27 05 55
F. +33 (0)1 40 27 04 16
6, rue des Sablons
1205, Genève Suisse
T. +41 22 321 9414
F. +41 22 321 9417
Bartolomé Mitre 1395
11000, Montevideo Uruguay
T. +59 829 15 50 13
F. +59 829 15 02 77
Patriarchou Ioakim 53
106 76, Athènes Grèce
T. +30 210 23 22 614
F. +30 210 33 22 054

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